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 What's my next move with my webdesigner and website?

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Nombre de messages : 128
Age : 36
Présent, absent en ce moment ? : coimbatore
Travail : data entrey
Vous aimez quoi : baby
Date d'inscription : 09/03/2011

What's my next move with my webdesigner and website? Empty
MessageSujet: What's my next move with my webdesigner and website?   What's my next move with my webdesigner and website? EmptyMer 27 Avr - 14:26

I posted something else about this. I'm wanting to get a new person for my website because my designer is out of town, and I don't feel there is good service. I have tried to send her updates I want, and she'll write back that she can't convert the files. The company that originally referred her (that has to do with other types of services, is horrible). I want to keep the basic design of the site, but change some things, add a blog, and do some SEO. Do I need another web designer to do these things, or just a SEO company? How do I tell her I don't want her services and still protect my site?
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What's my next move with my webdesigner and website?
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